TRACE ELEMENTS: E1 – Iron (Iron Oxide) 3b202 – Iodine (Calcium Iodate) 3b305 – Cobalt (Cobalt Sulphate) 3b405 – Copper (Copper Sulphate) 3b503 – Manganese (Manganese Sulphate) 3b603 – Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 3b801 – Selenium (Sodium Selenite)
USAGE PURPOSE: It is a balanced mineral source prepared to meet the daily mineral substance needs of large and small cattle. It opens the appetite of animals by meeting their salt needs. It contains a balanced amount of mineral substances to prevent soil eating in lambs and calves. It helps to increase the rate of feed utilization. and helps in the regulation of hair-hair-nail structure.
USAGE: Let the animals lick by placing them next to the feeders and waterers within easy reach or by hanging them from the hole in the middle.
STORAGE: To be stored in cool, dry and dark and moisture-free places.